Upcycled Furniture

Upcycling is a creative pursuit.

It is something I do when the inspiration strikes. The process starts in either one of two ways, first comes the idea, eg. A tv stand can be made into a coffee table and then I wait and see when the right materials crossed my path.  Alternately the materials come first, a discarded item that catches my eye, often with a bit of rustic character and a form eluding to how it might be re-used.  I’ll take it back to workshop and put it in the corner till the complete idea springs forth.

One of my favorite places to rummage for materials is The Bower.

I am happy to build upcycling projects from materials collected by clients, or keep an eye out for what you are after.

The end result is a piece of upcycled furniture that serves a practice purpose and creates a talking point in the home.